Thursday, May 31, 2012

Silicon Valley Women in HR...& Friends Mailing and Event Announcement

Dear Friends,

How are you?

If you strictly want information about the next event, please look at the links to the right and go to Event Registration. 

Many thanks to last month's speaker, Jeanine DeBacker, who presented "Classifications of Employees: Exempt v Non-Exempt, Contractor v Employee."  She provided us with a download for our Previous Speakers page. Thanks to our volunteers Trudy Schapansky and Tatyana Dorokhova for planning this event and Jenny Vonderwerth for creating the nametags.

Do you notice the kindness of people around you?  Sometimes I'm distracted and I don't notice, and other times I sit up and pay attention.  I wrote more about kindness on my other blog but am presenting a few thoughts here.

It could be that someone holds the door open rather than let it close on me.  I appreciate that.  Kind remarks, a sincere "How are you?" or "What can I do to help you?" are nice.  I recently led a workshop and one attendee stayed and complimented me, then asked if there was anything he could do to help me.  Did I have any business goals or needs where he could be helpful?  I was so surprised as that kind of thing rarely happens.  Usually people just thank me or want to connect on LinkedIn.  I noticed that kindness. 

It could be a small matter to you but it means a lot to the person on the receiving end.  A friend told me he was feeling terribly low during an extended period of unemployment.  One of his friends took him out to lunch every few weeks, followed up to see if anyone in his network could be of assistance.  He offered friendship and emotional support, and 11 years later, my friend remembered to pass this on to another unemployed friend.

The first question is this:  what can you do, what small or large kindness or help can you offer to another person?  And of course the next question is: are you doing it?  We get so involved in our own lives and worries that it's easy to overlook others, but once our awareness is raised, it's time to take action.  Go out and make it a great day for someone!

We have a page on our site for advertising. I have updated links to Amazon products at present and may add other affiliates. You'll notice our site also has Google ads, and you're welcome to click on relevant links. The focus is on HR and Business, but we are human beings and need relaxation, too!

REMINDER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR HRCI POINTS: You can earn HRCI recertification points through blogging and I’ve set up this site so you can be an occasional blogger. You are responsible for adhering to their guidelines, and I cannot guarantee your points.
· Read the HRCI information
· If you’d like to post, write your piece to the HRCI specifications. (My first post is opinion and does not meet their criteria.) Email your post to and be sure to include the subject line, your bio and links to your LinkedIn page and/or website/s. I will not edit posts but will review them quickly if I have time. Otherwise, I’ll simply upload.

You can subscribe to the blog, share it on Facebook or Tweet it. Let’s get this off the ground!

Join us on LinkedIn.

Because of this volunteer work, family, friends and paid work, unfortunately, I can’t mentor you, and please don’t send me unsolicited resumes. I wish I had the time to individually mentor you, but I don’t. Come to an event and meet someone who can help. I receive a lot of unsolicited resumes (from our group and strangers) and if I’m recruiting for a position or I’m paid to work on the resume, that’s one thing, but other than that, I’ve got other things on my plate. I refer people to the forum at See the blog post for more thoughts.

1. HR Women and Friends Community Event: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 6:30-9:00 p.m.
2. Discounts
3. Using our Bulletin Board (Forum)
4. Spam Filter Alert
5. To change you email address
6. Unsubscribe
7. Potential Speakers/Topics
8. Notifying us of upcoming events and discounts.

1. HR Women and Friends Community Event: Wednesday, June 20 2012 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Professor Terri Griffith, Ph.D. will present "Think Power - Negotiate Well." Click here for event details and the response form.

2. Discounts and Offers – view them online. Discounts for health related products or services are solely used at your own discretion. The group and I have no responsibility for these services or products. Thanks for extending the discounts to our group!

3. Using our Bulletin Board (Forum) When you contact me regarding jobs, events, and other issues, I refer to our Forum at You can view all messages without registering, but you must register to reply or post a message. You are not automatically registered because you receive this email – it is separate software. Please review the Terms and Conditions available under any topic on the forum. It’s your responsibility to keep track of your user name and password, and if you change email addresses, please log in and update your profile. If privacy is an issue, please be careful when you post anything: use a separate email if necessary and you can skip your street address if you’d like.

4. SPAM Filter Alert: please add to your address book.

5. To change your email address, click here.

6. Unsubscribe To discontinue mailings please respond with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line or go to the form. If you receive mail at more than one email address, please note all addresses to delete.

7. Potential Speakers/Topics. Please see for details and a form to submit your information.

8. Notifying us of upcoming events and discounts. If you email me right after I’ve sent a mailing, I can update the website, but I can’t send a separate mailing to the group. It will be in the next mailing. Please keep this in mind and plan ahead.

I hope to see you soon.

All the best,


Marcia Stein, PHR -

Author: "Strained Relations: Help for Struggling Parents of Troubled Teens" and "Recruiters on Recruiting"

Silicon Valley Women in Human Resources...and Friends

Stein Consulting

Visit our Associates and Advertising Page

Monday, May 28, 2012