Previous Speakers

Please note that several of our speakers have written books.  You can help support our site by looking for their books and other items via our Amazon Associate's link. We have historically earned very little during our association, but it's still one of my favorite sites. 

  • Fran Harris explained the PHR and SPHR certifications, what they are and how to earn them. 
  • Linda Cadogan, a Controller, spoke with us about Accounting terminology and how HR impacts the bottom line. 
  • Gerri Kahn, an Immigration Attorney, shared information about visa requirements and the immigration process. She updated us on recent changes in Immigration Law.
  • George Zambos spoke with our group about Internet recruiting and HR as a customer service to the organization. He has published the second edition of his book: "Internet Recruiting, A Human Resources Guide to Global Sourcing". This book provides valuable information about the staffing process in addition to the Internet tips.
  • Concern, an EAP, discussed holiday stress and provided tips for a more enjoyable and stress-free season.
  • William Uranga, currently the Director of Staffing at Tivo, presented information about Internet Recruiting. William now works with Jeannie Palmer at The Palmer Advantage. We were also treated to a great presentation by Janel Canepa, the Director of Staffing at Ariba. She was the architect of Staffing at Cisco and presented many valuable ideas.
  • Professional coach Jo Miller presented: "Give your dreams deadlines! Goal-setting for transformational results in business and personal life."
  • Tips & Tricks in HR Specialties. We had an outline of specific topics including Staffing, Compensation, Training, and Benefits designed to stimulate discussion about specific responsibilities in our field and how to implement them.
  • Succession Planning. Valerie Frederickson, CEO of Valerie Frederickson & Company, and frequent NCHRA speaker, moderated a panel on the emerging need for succession planning in today’s fast paced environment.Changes in Compensation & Benefits: Dee DiPietro, the CEO of Advanced-HR, Inc. discussed compensation issues and trends in the pre-IPO market. Amanda Feyerabend, of iQuantic-Buck in San Francisco, addressed the broader trends, problems and solutions observed and encountered by iQuantic-Buck, and any unique solutions the firm has carved out in the current "post-911" marketplace to attract, retain and incent good people.
  • Marie-Andrée Le Bourdon of Encore Technical Staffing and Marilyn Messer planned a question and answer session on "Best Practices in HR". Our panel included: Sonya Clark, VP HR Strategies, Cadence Design Systems; Sharin Blair Castro, VP HR, OpenWave Systems; Sue Courrier, HR Director, Bea Systems; Leslie Couch, HR Manager, HopeLink; and Britt Huber, VP HR, Parkinsons Institute.
  • Rosaura P.C. Valle, Ph.D., Vice President - Operations and Strategic Alliances at Milagen, Inc. was our speaker. Dr. Valle’s subject was “A Non-HR perspective on HR in Biotech”, and she discussed recruitment and retention strategies in her company.
  • Peg Wynn, the VP WW HR at Xilinx presented "An HR Leader's Success Story". 9/5/08 UPDATE: Xilinx' legal team found Peg's presentation on our site. Peg used her corporate template for the presentation and that template was labled "Xilinx Confidential." Due to that label, their attorney requested we remove the presentation. My opinion: this is a real shame. Peg was their VP WW HR and made this presentation in 2003. She ran a great department at a very well-regarded company, and she noted her team's HR strengths, their values, how they avoided layoffs in a tough economic situation, and how they transformed their HR function. There was NOTHING in her presentation harmful to the company and she did not reveal confidential information. The company was public and any details regarding tough economic times - which we all faced then - were public knowledge.
  • We played a Quiz Show Called: “Don’t Put Your Company In Jeopardy In 2004!", presented by Jane Kow, Esq. We learned about significant recent changes in employment laws and how to implement effective personnel practices in order to avoid personal and corporate liability. Jane can be reached at 415-567-0367.
  • Eileen Kennedy of Berliner Cohen presented information about "Whistleblowing & Conducting Investigations", pertaining to the new employee protections for whistleblowing and how the employer should respond. Download Eileen's presentation here.
  • "Compensation & Options" was presented by Victoria Stewart, Senior Consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Human Resource ServicesDianne Mastilock, Director, Recruiting & Organizational Effectiveness at PDL, Inc. discussed her career path
  • John McSorley, formerly the Vice President of Human Resources at NVIDIA, discussed Finance and HR as Business Partners and the role of HR in the future.
  • Caitlin Miller, B.A., CEO, CommunicationEssentials; Michele Lane JD, Esq (Employment Lawyer) and Conchita Franco Serri, Ed.M, J.D. – Director of Diversity, CommunicationEssentials (Director, Santa Clara University) presented information about Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Inappropriate Behavior. Please click here for the introductory flier, and click here for their presentation. (Both are in PowerPoint.)
  • Roger Stephens, Senior Vice President at UBS Financial Services, Inc. discussed retirement plan legislation, regulation and industry trends. He is based in LA, but comes to the Silicon Valley several days a week. Telephone: 213-972-1511,
  • Sheren Ghali SPHR, VPHR WageWorks discussed her experiences working with HR professionals.
  • Julie Shimer, Ph.D., at that time, the president and CEO of Vocera Communications, discussed her career, lessons learned, what she expects of Human Resource Leaders and Team members, and what knowledge and characteristics they need to have to be Business Partners and develop Business Strategy with their Executive Teams. {2007 update: she is president and CEO of Welch Allyn and on the board of directors at Netgear}
  • Kevin Wheeler of Global Learning Resources talked about "The Changing HR Landscape". You can download his presentation from his website - go to the download titled “Changing HR Landscape”.
  • Jenny Vonderwerth and Susan Miller presented: “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What HR Skills Matter…if at all?", a skills/passion accessment program.
  • Jane Kow, an Employment Attorney, Human Resources Consultant, Management Trainer and EEO Investigator presented "Effective Documentation Practices (How to Write Up Employee Workplace Issues)."
  • Trudy Schapansky, PHR presented: "How HR Can Successfully Survive a DOL Audit." Click here for her PowerPoint presentation.
  • Patricia Stokke, MA, PHR's topic was "The Role of Human Resources in Developing Ethical Organizational Cultures." Click here for a PDF version of her presentation.
  • Lisa Aguair, a Partner at RMKB provided "Legal Updates for HR Professionals". (February 2010)
  • Marty Jordan presented "Measuring What Matters: A Primer for HR Professionals". Click here for a PDF download.
  • Valerie Frederickson, M.S., CMF presented "The Emerging Role of the HR Business Partner". Click here to download a PDF copy of her presentation.
  • Jenny Vonderwerth's topic was "Health Care Reform: What’s HR Got to Do With It?”
  • Ernesto Romero, an OFCCP Sr. Compliance Officer and Ernest Flores, an OFCCP Compliance Officer presented "The Nuts & Bolts of Compliance: Wisdom from the OFCCP."
  • Raymond H. Hixson, a partner and co-founder of the law firm Hixson Nagatani LLP, presented "Getting Ready for the Prospect of Mandatory Audits: Wage & Hour Law Compliance." Please click for the presentation in PDF format.
  • Mary Wang, Partner at Hixson Nagatani LLP, presented "Workplace Investigations: The Essential Law and Best Practices for Handling Employee Relations Issues and Conflict Resolution." Click to download the PowerPoint and PDF
  • Jeanine DeBacker of McPharlin, Sprinkles & Thomas LLP presented "Classifications of Employees:  Exempt v Non-Exempt, Contractor v Employee."  Click to download the PowerPoint.
  • Deanna J. Mouser, Partner at Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo presented "Developing Effective Documentation to Improve Employee Performance: Practical Guidelines For Documenting Employee Performance Issues."
Additional Events 
Several years ago we extended our group to include other professional women and men.  Here are the topics we've covered.
  • Our seminar was about having aging parents and was held at The Centre For Living With Dying.
  • Dr. Margaret Mahony, the author of "Saving the Soul of Medicine", a book about the health care system and insurance companies, spoke about menopause. She has graced our group twice!
  • Linda Cornish, a Financial Advisor, provided information about what to look for in a financial advisor and financial planning and investments.
  • Sue Matthias, a certified Steven Covey trainer, spoke with us about Time Management and Organizational Skills.
  • Two nurses from Stanford Hospital presented information about risks of stroke and cancer in women.
  • We were fortunate to have Dr. Gabriele Hilberg speak to our group about resiliency.
  • Barbara Courtney spoke with us about dealing with change and enhancing communication.
  • Jeanine Boretz, the Owner/Instructor of Redwood Tree Mobile Women's Self-Defense demonstrated self-defense techniques.
  • Karen Brown L.Ac., a practicioner of traditional Chinese medicine, spoke with the group about her practice and her healing philosophy. She can be reached in Sunnyvale at 408-773-1893.
  • Dr. Michele Bolton, Principal Partner with ExecutivEdge and author of "The Third Shift: Managing Hard Choices in Our Careers, Homes and Lives as Women" was our speaker. Her topic was "Managing Your Mind: The 'Third Shift' for Women."
  • 2002 Stuart Phillips, VP of Strategic Planning with INFO-ONE discussed how he successfully applied his knowledge and expertise from one industry into a brand new industry. He shared some key factors in adapting and applying your "know how" into new industries.
  • Career Transitions Panel facilitated by Cheryl Chevalier. Panel members included: David Smith - formerly with BrassRing sales, now with Primerica--a multi-$B financial services company-developing his own personal,successful book of business. Carole Martin - The Interviewing Coach on Monster, and the author of "Interview Fitness Training: A Workout with Carole Martin, the Interview Coach" and also affiliated with HRW as attendee/member. Deborah Linder - former hi tech corporate business director, who now owns her own book of business selling and educating Usana wellness supplement product line. Sylvia Trammel - former HR Recruiter, now owns her own book of business for Omega Industrial products--environmentally safe cleaning products.
  • Investing for Women - Mike Napoli and Brian Franklin, Financial Consultants with Smith Barney provided a lot of information and insight into financial planning in these difficult times. This team can be reached at 408-947-2286.
  • Business and Personal Coach Jo Miller made a return appearance leading lead an interactive workshop what you can do to build strength and resilience in the face of change. She can be reached at 650-968-9020 or jomiller@ (PLEASE note an extra space has been inserted in her email to deter spam.)
  • Clearing up Clutter was a popular topic! Ewa Kalman presented and had a lot of great ideas.
  • Marilyn Messer, Val Kenaley and Susan Kokores (the New Business Development Manager of the United Way, Silicon Valley) were the panelists for our discussion about volunteering - reaping personal benefits while jump-starting your job search.
  • Jenny Kahn led a mini-workshop on networking and the 90-second introduction. In addition to being a Recruiter and a Relocation expert, Jenny works at the University of Phoenix.
  • Marty Friedman's talk was "How to Get Men to Talk & Listen" -useful information for improving personal and professional communications.
  • "Secrets to Successful Networking" was presented by Jeff Colvin of Link, a Management Consulting Group.
  • "Professional Presence" was presented by Patricia Stokke and Nicole Morelli. Please click here for a flier about them.
  • Brett Macauley, a Senior Financial Advisor at American Express Financial Advisors, Inc. in Palo Alto. Brett will discuss the three phases of people's financial life.
  • Ted Becker of Habitat for Humanity Silicon Valley discussed the "All Women's Build" for September, 2005.
  • Anne Moses, Executive Partner with Evista Consulting Group, Inc. presented "The Cycle of Change and Renewal - Finding Purpose for Yourself and in Your Career".
  • Michael “Coop” Cooper, a Principal at Paragon Strategies, presented "Engage 'Em or Lose 'Em: How to Get the Most from Employees through Full Engagement". You can download his PowerPoint presentation by clicking here.
  • Ellen Blackwell, a Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch spoke about financial planning and it was a most interesting meeting. She also makes presentations and evaluates benefits for corporate clients. If you'd like to reach her, the office number is 510-208-3836.
  • We had speakers address Alternatives to COBRA in February 2003. Our speakers were an insurance agent, David Meir-Levi (phone 650-566-3811) and Maya Walker of Care Entree. If you'd like to read more about insurance options and some additional information about COBRA, please click here.
  • Pam Davies and Darren Smith explained Asset Allocation for your personal investments.
  • Kathy Klotz-Guest of Powerfully Funny presented "The Role of Humor in Building Innovative Companies". Great insight into creativity in the workplace!
  • Elena Morera, a Human Resources Consultant, and Cherryll Sevy, the founder and Principal of Cypress Ridge Consulting led us through some power networking exercises.
  • Caryn Joseph Siegel of cjs Consulting talked about "Surviving Office Politics".
  • Molly Kaufman spoke with experience, wit and wisdom about "Managing Your Job When Your Job Seems to be Managing You."
  • Val Kenaley, an original member and long-time volunteer, gave a wonderful presentation "Selling Ourselves on Paper and in Person". She had good insights into what hiring managers would like to see on a resume and how to present yourself at an interview.
  • Brent F. Eberle and Linda Lopez were panel members and Marcia Stein was the moderator for the topic "Interviewing Process and Preparation - What are Employers Looking For?".
  • Jane Kow, an employment lawyer, and Conchita Franco Serri, an employment expert and a fifteen year HR/EEO practitioner, presented "Conducting an Effective Workplace Investigation". They can be reached at or
  • Carole Martin, the Interview Coach, has twice been our featured speaker. Carole is an interview expert and a contributing writer at She has authored books on interviewing, “Boost Your Interview IQ,” and "Boost Your Hiring I.Q."
  • Our panel members discussed “Three Phases of The Job Change”. Our wonderful panelists were: Trudy Schapansky, HR Manager/ONStor, Inc., Tino Silva, HR Director/RGB Networks, and Sandy Lindstedt, Weight-Loss Coach/Coach.
  • Kim Wise, the Founder and CEO of Mentor Resources, discussed mentoring. You can download her PowerPoint presentaion here.
  • Renee Brown of PrePaid Legal spoke aobut Identity Theft and Employer Liability. Some of her slides have been uploaded here. A window will open asking for a password, but if you click "Read Only" you'll be able to view the PowerPoint slides. Renee Brown can be reached at 510-657-8753 or
  • Debbie Lundquist, the CFO at Lussori, presented information about “Financial Information for Non-Finance Individuals” You can view her profile on LinkedIn.
  • Rossella Derickson & Krista Henley, M.A., LMFT, principals of presented "Dealing with the Difficult Boss - Shifting to Successful Interactions." Click here for the PowerPoint. They are the authors of Awakening Social Responsibility - A Call to Action. Book info: Rossella and Krista are the Directors of the South Bay Organizational Development Network,
  • Lucia Erwin's topic was "Merger & Acquisitions: Rollercoaster Rides for Finance & HR."
  • Rich Hemmerling, a Benefits Specialist from Sedona Benefits and Jenny Vonderwerth, a HR and Employee Benefits Consultant from Liberty Benefit Insurance Services, provided a presentation: "Tips About Securing Health Insurance When You Are In-Between Jobs: Hitches and Glitches You’ll Want to Know." Click here for the PowerPoint download.
  • Donna Fedor of Affinity People Solutions presented: "Surviving a Layoff and Coming Out in a Better Place."
  • Jo Miller, the CEO of Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. presented: “Winning at the Game of Office Politics."
  • We had a special community event, "Improve Your Job Search." Speakers included Donna Fedor, a Master Certified Results Coach and Recruiting Expert, Rebecca Kieler, a career and life transition consultant, coach, trainer and speaker, and Carole Martin, The Interview Coach and author.
  • Susan Miller's topic was "Reinvent Yourself" and she has provided two downloads. One is a Word document and the other is her presentation - I've save it as a PDF. Miller_Reinvent_Worksheet.doc and Miller_Reinvent_Yourself.pdf
  • Jenny Kahn, PHR presented: "How to use Linkedin to Increase Your Job Search Success." This PowerPoint download (large file - be patient) will be helpful for anyone learning how to use LinkedIn to their best advantage. That includes jobseekers, recruiters and HR people, people just trying to expand their network, and people thinking about looking for work in the next few years.
  • Darlene Forsythe, SPHR presented "Presentation Skills for Human Resources Professionals and Job Seekers." The presentation is in PDF format and this download does not include exercises. To experience the full presentation, contact Darlene.
  • Marian Stetson-Rodriguez, the President of Charis Intercultural Training presented "Global Millennials – Emerging Trend and Retention Strategies". Click here for the PDF download. Go here if you need a free PDF Reader.
  • Joel Wade, Ph.D. spoke to us about Happiness and Resilience in Difficult Times. Click here for the PDF download of materials including articles and worksheets. Go here if you need a free PDF Reader.
  • Michelle Klink presented "Wading Through the Social Media Quagmire Without Getting Stuck in the Muck!” Click for the PowerPoint download.
  • Eric Petersen, a Pension Consultant, presented “How to Avoid Common 401(k) Mistakes.” He can be reached at Please click here for the PDF download.
  • Jill Podolsky presented "The Future Of Work And Communications - An Employee Relations Challenge. Click for the presentation PowerPoint download and click here to download the Communication Game.
  • Stephanie Barbour presented "Neuroscience and Leadership." Click here for the handout and here for a PDF download of the presentation.
  • Arda Ozdemir presented "Achieving Balance." Click for his website and Corporate Flier.
  • Rebecca Linquist of English by the Hour and Rekha Mahadevan of India Business Consulting did a joint presentation: "Working & Communicating Effectively with Indians." Click here for the presentation in PDF format.
  • Gwyneth Anne Freedman, founder of Personal Journey Coaching, presented "An Introduction to Personalized Work Life Balance Solutions." Click here for her presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Marcia Stein, PHR presented "Leadership and Listening."  Click here for the presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Jenny Kahn presented "LinkedIn: Beyond Basics."  NOTES: LI changes the interface and adds functions on a regular basis. Some slides may not reflect the latest, but you can still find the information on LI. Jenny is an open networker so link to her and view her other presentations on her profile.
  • Professor Terri Griffith, Ph.D. presented "Think Power - Negotiate Well."  Please click here for the PDF download.
  • Connie Hampton of  Hampton Executive Search presented "Targeted Networking and Your Next Career Step."  Please click here for the PDF download.
  • Sheila Dundon MS, SPHR, the President of Priority Leadership Group, presented “Advancing Women Leaders:  The Win/Win Solution”  Please click here for the PDF download.
  • Barbara Gottesman's topic was "How to Slay a Pirate: Lessons on Success from Sailing the Pacific."  Please click here for the PDF download and click here for her book on Amazon.
  • Sara Hart presented "Effective Leadership for a Thinking Environment." 
  • Clara Chorley's topic was "Big Mistakes that Lead Professionals to being Unappreciated, Under-utilized and Unmotivated in the Workplace."
  • Patrick Reilly presented "Taming the Abrasive Leader." Click here for the PDF download.
  • ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D.'s topic was "There is a 'Me' in Teams." Click here for the PDF download.
  • Rebecca Linquist presented "The Voice of Leadership." Click here for the PDF download.
  • Nancy Clark, the Founder and President of Leadership Dynamics and author of 18 Holes for Leadership: How a Round of Golf Can Make You a Better Leader, presented "The 4G Workforce — Do Your Leaders Know How to Work with the New Generation?"
  • Linda Lubin Thompson's topic was "No Bragging Required: Getting the Recognition You Deserve." Click here for the PDF download.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." ~ Henry David Thoreau, 19th c. American writer

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt