Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pros & Cons of Non-Exempt & Contract Pay

Laurie Bell has a great blog, b.y.o. resume. She's a talented writer and covers some great topics for job seekers. I'm posting a bit of her blog with her permission and hope you go to her site to read the rest. Be sure to read her other posts, too.

If you're job hunting and are coming across hourly/non-exempt or contract positions, don't lose heart! I used to feel less important for being an hourly employee or contractor as opposed to salaried one. However, given the current economic landscape, I'm actually a bit relieved. Neither situation is perfect, but being paid hourly isn't as bad as you may think. Click here to read more...

Even if you love your job, your resume and your network should be current!
For some career tips and laughter at the drudgery, visit:

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